Study for magazine illustration. Acrylic on paper. 6.5x9 inches. $100

Study for magazine illustration. Acrylic on paper. 6.5x10inches.

Study for book illustration. Acrylic on paper. 5x7.5 inches.

Study for magazine illustration. Acrylic on illustration board. 5x6.5 inches. $50

Study for Analog cover: "Heat." Acrylic on illustration board. 5x7.5 inches. $150

Death of a God, study for Amazing Stories. Acrylic on illustration board. 5.5x7 inches. $150

Original art for cover of Skeptical Inquirer. Acrylic on illustration board. 10x14 inches. $200

Study for book illustration. Acrylic on paper. 4.5x5 inches.

Study. Acrylic on board. 8x15 inches. $125

Warrioress. Acrylic on illustration board. 12x12 inches. $200

Forge of God sketch for book cover. Acrylic on illustration board. 5x7 inches. $25

Forge of God 2. Acrylic on illustration board. 5x7 inches. Matted. $25

Forge of God 3. Acrylic on illustration board. 5x7 inches. $25

Note This page is a work in progress with more art to come.:

Study for proposed poster. Acrylic on board. 6x8 inches.$25

Study for Analog cover. Acrylic on board. 7x9 inches.$35

Study for Coils book cover:  Acrylic on illustration board. 8x11 inches. $50

Illustration for Analog: "Hermes to the Ages:  Pen and ink on Bristol board. 7x8 inches. $50
